martes, 1 de mayo de 2007

Entry n 11: A short story- “Lilibeth and the butterfly”

Lilibeth was a lovely and cheerful child full of good feelings and thoughts, who lived with her mather and father in a little cottage settled down a green hill in the country side of the town. The city town was far from her home so she used to spend most of her time wandering around a little forest that surrounded the back side of the cottage, trying to chase butterflies, listening to the birds or walking down the path which took to the lake where she used to spend hours watching the fishes swiming and all the animals around.
So much time had she spent among the birds and animals of the forest that she had developed an wonderful skill for understanding what they said and talk to them, but it was her special secret.
One day as she was walking down the forest the most beautiful butterfly had cought her sight. She had never seen such a pattern of colours as that of its wings before. This butterfly had a pair of rainbows instead of wings but the pretty animal was weeping with a sad expression, Lilibeth was worried about it, she thought the butterfly was ill and asked her what made her weep instead of flying away displaying her beautiful charm.
But the butterfly told her that she was weeping because at the end of the day she would die, as is known butterflies have just one day of life and that made her feel sad. But Lilibeth who had learnt to enjoy the most simple things in life told her that she shouldn´t waste time weeping, she should spend the rest of the day displaying the beauty that was her reason for being on earth because such a beauty was not frequently found , God had given this marvellous gift to her to be shown and that she should do it with joy because at the end of the day she would be living for ever next to God in the Garden of Paradise.
Having heard this the butterfly flew away spreading her colourful wings dancing in the air with the most delightful movements.

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