lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2007


I really hate having to do things when someone else forces me to do as for example, the fact of having to spend hours in front of a computer wasting money and time to fulfil the requirements of the theacher of language.
In my opinion, it is absolutely unfair and out of point to ask students to do all their work through internet because none of us has born with a computer under our arms. It is completely unreasonable to have to learn to use a computer and even to learn how to surf in the internet in order to be able to aprove or to be able to pass language just because the teacher thinks that all of us have a laptop at home. And he also assumes that all of us have money enough to spend hours on a cyber or that we have Internet in our homes.
Apart from being absolutely unreasonable, it is at a certain point a naive thought because we are living in Argentina, a third world country and one of the poorest countries of the world. It is a stupidity to ask Argentinian students to work as students in the United States do, because their reallity is a completely different reallity to ours.
Many of my classmates do not even know how a computer works because they have never used one and having to do such amount of work that we are ask to do involves a really expensive work and at the same time is doble time wasted, because on the one hand we have to write all this down on paper and then ask somebody else to copy it on a computer, if we have access to one, if not we have to pay someone to do all this work directly on a cyber place.
And on the other hand, we have many other occupations in our daytime. Many of us have to work and have even children and a house to take care of apart from all the other subjects that we have to study and prepare for the rest of the school curriculum.
If the point is to make us improve our skills and knowledge in what respects to computers and Internet, it is not necessary to do in language because the school curriculum also have specific subjects during second and third year that are related to this matter, they are called Computacion and Informatica.
To finish this complain I can add the fact that we are human beings with a life that also consists of having some free time to have fun or to spend with our relatives. Life is not working all the time, we are not machines or robots which only aim is to work or to study.
In fact, we are studing to be able to find a job good enough to provide us with the earnings necessaries to survive as many other people do.
We do not want to be masters in English or Ingeneers in the use of computers and technology, otherwise we would be at the University studing to reach such high degrees.

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