viernes, 22 de junio de 2007

Entry nº 20

Personal Reaction: Argentina’s claim on the Falklands is still a good one

Although it is true that the Argentinean’s claim to the Falkland Islands is a justified and proper aim, it is also true that it would be difficult and uncomfortable for the British islanders to leave their lives, works and houses to start again in another place after so many years of living in the islands. I think they would feel like if they were mere servants of the British Crown handled like puppets.
On the other hand, it is a right of the Argentinean people to settle and proclaim the islands as ours, but considering our national feelings about the Islas Malvinas it is an issue that the Argentinian governments use to gain political support.
In fact the worrying thought that unrest my mind is the possibility of that once we get them back, in a suppositional case, our politicians could sell them to any other powerful country or even to Britain. As Argentinian we all know that politicians are able to do such things.

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