lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

Review nº 10

Name: Cristina Soledad Guzmán
Date of publication: September 4th 2008

Review nº 10: Article ‘The world in a test tube’

Global warming is considered the task of the new age and the problem of our era. But although much is being said about a new technology to deal with it, there is no technology available yet. This issue is discussed in the article ‘The world in a test tube’ published in The Economist newspaper.
Nothing about global warming is simple, even the meteorological models of the largest supercomputers do not help. Unfortunately, the technology of climate change is no simpler than anything else. Climate change is too important and complex to deal with zealotry and taboos. First, there is the problem of the running down of hydrogen for cars and the cost of the hydrogen-based vehicles. Producing hydrogen form natural gas creates a lot of carbon dioxide. So, for the next few decades, technological pragmatism will rule motoring, first hybrid powertrains will combine an electric motor with a conventional engine. Soon there will be “plug-in” hybrids, which can be recharged from the mains, they, in turn, are a bridge towards all-electric vehicles. This plan is not expensive and can use existing infrastructure. Some ideas are so fantastic that scientists and policymakers have been reluctant even to discuss them because there is a risk of becoming devastating in future time. But no reason should stop research as insurance, only research can tell which are the risks of any geo-engineering. The solution to climate change will probably involve an array of technologies.
This article exposes many of the current problems and possible solutions of globla warming. But as the author says: “The solution to climate change will probably involve an array of technologies” instead of only one particular kind of technology. It is true because the problems are so diverse that they need different solutions.
In conclusion, global warming affects us all and it concerns to the whole global society the discussion of the problem and the study of the possible solutions. Mean while, scientist and policymakers of each country have the main role in the discussions and investigations.

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