lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

Entry nº 27: Change

As time goes by, everything changes, from our customs and priorities to our values and beliefs. These changes are part of a process of evolution in which some are for better while others are for worse. They can take place externally and internally, affecting every society all over the world.
Nowadays, the external changes are reflected mainly in the appearance of people, due to the demanding standards of beauty that rule our society. In order to be socially accepted people have to be physically perfect.
In many cases they need the help of the most advanced medical techniques in plastic surgery to improve their appearance; in this way the “ugly duckling” becomes “the most beautiful swan”. But these procedures are generally very expensive and painful. These shallow values of modern societies have led many people, especially women, to become addicted to plastic surgery because they are never satisfied with their image.
As there is no surgery that can change people inside, they have to change internally and accept themselves the way they are; otherwise it will be quite difficult that the rest accept them either. Once these individuals start a process of self discovery and acceptance, and give more importance to their innerself than to their image in the mirror, their whole lives change for better.
The evolution and progress of nations have brought comfort and benefits to the human kind. Science and technology are constantly being improved in order to make life easier and longer. But some communities have refused to incorporate these inovations for fear of losing their roots and values these are conservative societies that refuse to accept change because the new ideas are against their customs and beliefs.
In conclusion, changes are part of the natural evolution of the word. With the purpose of being better and having a better life, humans are in constant change to reach ther goals, people adapt their traditional customs and beliefs to the new ones, and those who refuse to accept the changes cannot enjoy the benefits of progress.

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