lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

Entry nº 7: Happiness

We read an article about happiness in class the article said that scientists were using a technique similar to that used by economists to measure happiness. They ask people how happy they are in a range 1-7 or 1-10.
In my opinion no feeling can be measured because feelings and emotions are not easily defined due to the fact that what may cause those feelings is not an especific thing or fact. On the contrary what makes some people happy not necessary will make others happy. When my classmates were asked to define what hapiness is for them. There were different answers, some were quite short and especific and others were more complete and long. That is why I think that a feeling like happiness has no puntual origin; so then how can it be measured?
In fact there are some people who believe that it is such a perfect state that is almost impossible to be reached. And I completely agree whit that belief. This state is abstract a huge concept that scientists cannot analyse or siezed because feelings and emotions are not matter of scientific study. It is not a tangible object or an economic variable so that it can’t be measured using an economic technique. However, I think that scientists can investigate the effects that this feelings has on peolple because that can be seen and experienced. In that aspect I agree with many of the information stated in the article. Scientists say also that a way of lifting our levels of happiness is to work at those things that we know that make us happy. I think it can be truth but the problem is that nowadays life is so hard that it is a little bit difficult to dedicate our time to do it.
In conclusion, to be happy or not is up to ourselves. If we learn to be happy by enjoying the most simple things in life, such as our closest relationships like our family, friends and even marriage; holding onto some spiritual belief, generally retated to God or religion, and making sense of our lives settling long term goals we could if possible be truly happy.

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